Thursday, March 1, 2007

Journey to la Forge


So after Intaglio, I went to the shop for work study and watched them pour bronze from the crucible into a mold. It was really cool to watch. it's like a 4 person job; two of which control the crucible, and the other two scrape it and play with the mold. Afterwards, John continued from where he left off yesterday and started to show me how to weld steal together.

First he showed me how to make joints and then weld inbetween them so that the heat/electricity is distributed equally, and then he showed me how to weld in lines. So after a few failed attempts, (4 to be exact), he finally instructed me while I was doing it. I was shaking so bad, lol. He makes me really nervous, but it got better once I had some comic relief and bumped heads with him. I made 4 good welding lines. It got a lot easier to do after I got it once, I still can't make them as wide as he'd like them, but I'm getting there. I've decided that I really like it in the sculpting department.

That's going to be my major, and I'll grab a drawing minor. I can't wait till next year. I get to sit in with cadavers and draw/dissect them. ^.^ I'm so excited about it. I can't wait.

But anyway, I welded stuff, sparks flew everywhere, it's so cool! ^.^ And the hum of the electricity is crazy. ^.^

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