Sunday, March 4, 2007

One Bad Trip


I will NEVER smoke pot again. That was the worst feeling I ever had. That 'high' that I got lasted for about 3 hours and the whole time I didn't feel like I was there at all. I had to keep feeling sensations like pain, or jolting myself to actually believe I was breathing and walking at the same time. I kept biting the insides of my cheek, biting my tongue, stumbling, anything to make me more aware. It was so bad.

I couldn't focus. The background and foreground kept going in and out, I couldn't make up my mind which one I wanted to see. That constant fight of seeing freaked me out the most. I couldn't control myself. It was so bad.

Saw the number 23 last night. It was alright. I liked it, but my friends didn't. I thought it would have been better, but it was still worth seeing.

Friday into Saturday, I choked. Funniest thing that's EVER happened to me. XD Oh my god, he must thing I'm such a loser. lol Work today. Spring break this week. Oh fucking joy.

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