Monday, March 26, 2007

What a Surprise.


What a surprise. Cait's sick, again! But nothing major this time. Just a common cold. lol I still feel like crap though. I'm going to bed, and it's not even seven yet. lol. Oh boy. Gotta stop that partying... And apparently, I've been grumpy and depressed for a week now, or at least that's what John tells me.

An Addiction


It's like a fucking addiction. I definitly check that page like everyday. Hoping and waiting for I don't know what. Goddamn.

Don't See the Hills Have Eyes II. And if you do, wait for it to come out on DVD.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

St. Pat's Day


Didn't do anything too exciting last night. I hung out with my family for a while and was the DD. Had corn beef and cabbage, my favorite meal that bobsie makes. She and Karyn bought 21 lbs of meat! OMG. It was so good. I was impatient 'cos I got a text from Jack saying that he wanted to talk to me in person. I wanted to get home. Got home 1 and a half hours later than expected... -_-;;; But I got home to say the least. Met him outside of 3beans 'cos it was closed. Was greeted with a friendly hug and a kiss. ^___^

And then he asked me out and I said yes. And I was happy for the rest of the evening. We pretty much did nothing all evening and just hung out and drank at Martyn's. I still have my Stoli. So we're good. lol I joked around when I walked in to Martyn's and said that I was Mrs. Jack Kozlowski, and now Jack keeps calling me that. It's kind of cute lol. Haha.

Yeahhh. So that was my day of celebration. ^.^

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Look What Happened


And I swear it's the last time, I swear it's my last try. We'll walk in circles around this whole block, walk on the cracks of the same old side walk. And we'll talk about leaving town, yeah we'll talk about leaving town, I swear this is my last try...

Weird afternoon man. I'm so tired yet all I've done is sleep. Talked to Keith this afternoon... weird conversation. He watched the birth of puppies this morning. That was sweet of him. I'm bored out of my fucking skull. Being sick sucks. Fucking pneumonia/bronchitus.

Merry Christmas


I found one of his cards this morning. It was the one right before he left that he made with the canary drawn on the inside. I read it over again, I still don't know why I have them. Every time I read them, I get all bleary eyed. That last one was filled with so much.. I don't even remember why I was angry at him then. He said he'll always wait for me and he'll always care. I can't help but think that it's not true now since things ended so badly.

Remember Caite, no one will ever wait for you and no one will ever care. You never let anybody get that close.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

All Adventures Begin with a Big Mac.


Or rather, most of them did.

It started with me getting sick during spring break. And then me having cravings for big macs. lol. So yesterday, Saturday, was Julia and Joy's party, which was a black light party. I went out all day Saturday 'cos it was gorgeous out and came home but left again around 5 and went up the TC's. Which then proceeded to be an adventure to Duo's. After waiting for like...1 hour and 45 minutes, we finally got food and went back to TC's. Didn't really wanna go to the party, but ended up going and called Martyn. He showed up around 8.30pm and it started around 9.20. I was running around in a little wife beater and just that. I beat Michael in beer pong. Didn't have too much to drink and people started to pour in. I left around... 10:50 so I was home around 11.00pm. As soon as I get there, I notice the lights weren't on. I was locked out of my house. I called the house phone, I called the cell phone, I knocked on the door. Nobody answered. I was hysterical so I called Laura and walked back to Joy's house to go pee. Kelsey was drunk... bad omen.

Laura picked me up at the high school. Drove back to my house. Left a note on my door to tell my mom what I did and where I was. I was going back to Martyn's house to go sleep. Drove to McDonald's. Wasn't open. Walked over to Wendy's. Wasn't open. lollll. Meghan Gavin was in the parking lot with Dan and Lauren. Hung out with them for two minutes. Went to Jack's house from there.

Snuggled with him for a long while. Called the cops on his neighbor's next door. I'm such a cranky old lady. Took a little nap together while watching Samurai Champloo. His mom came down as the kids next door vacated the area. lol. She laughed that I called the cops. xD

Jack drove me over to Martyn's house. I found a very drunk Kelsey throwing up in Martyn's toilet. And a very drunk Martyn trying to help her. loooool. so I kind of took care of the both of them while kelsey continued to spew up alcohol.

Put both of them to bed. Stayed up to make sure Kelsey wouldn't vomit in the bed. Waited till 4.30 until her breathing was nice and even and I stopped stroking her head and curled up on the floor.

I woke up at 6.15 and put on my shoes. Walked home. It was really dark outsided. Lights were on in my house so I was thankful. Door was still locked. Knocked on the window. Mom jumped and opened the door. She didn't even notice that I was gone. lol. Awesome. Told her my tale. She got pissed at dad. I went to bed. At around 7, she started yelling at dad. I was too tired to really care or listen. I'm just pissed off that he locked me out. Whether it was on purpose like I'm assuming or by accident, regardless, I'm pissed and I don't give a flying fuck what he does now. I'm not talking to him or doing anything with him. Fuck him. I don't care. God. I'm so tired... meh.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Trying the Two Extremes


So after being hight out of my fucking skull last night. I decided to try being drunk out of my fucking mind tonight. I suceeded and found out that Grey Goose will turn me into a suicidal alcholic. Apparently, I left hooked my friend 'cos he took my razor away 'cos I wanted to kill myself. And then I curled up in the bathroom against the wall rocking back and forth screaming, "Don't touch me you fucking pedophyle" everytime either of them tried to touch me to make me stand up and not passout. Yeah, I'm a pleasant drunk, lemme tell you. Especially when I drink 'cos I'm upset. 73 dollars in booze, all gone in one weekend. My god, I've got problems.

So after 3 hours, I'm finally starting to sober up. I still want to kill myself, but am finally having second thoughts about it. Wow, I'm cool. Yeah, I know. Jeeez. I have to go into HS to see if they sent my transcripts. I'm out. Peace dawgs.

One Bad Trip


I will NEVER smoke pot again. That was the worst feeling I ever had. That 'high' that I got lasted for about 3 hours and the whole time I didn't feel like I was there at all. I had to keep feeling sensations like pain, or jolting myself to actually believe I was breathing and walking at the same time. I kept biting the insides of my cheek, biting my tongue, stumbling, anything to make me more aware. It was so bad.

I couldn't focus. The background and foreground kept going in and out, I couldn't make up my mind which one I wanted to see. That constant fight of seeing freaked me out the most. I couldn't control myself. It was so bad.

Saw the number 23 last night. It was alright. I liked it, but my friends didn't. I thought it would have been better, but it was still worth seeing.

Friday into Saturday, I choked. Funniest thing that's EVER happened to me. XD Oh my god, he must thing I'm such a loser. lol Work today. Spring break this week. Oh fucking joy.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Journey to la Forge


So after Intaglio, I went to the shop for work study and watched them pour bronze from the crucible into a mold. It was really cool to watch. it's like a 4 person job; two of which control the crucible, and the other two scrape it and play with the mold. Afterwards, John continued from where he left off yesterday and started to show me how to weld steal together.

First he showed me how to make joints and then weld inbetween them so that the heat/electricity is distributed equally, and then he showed me how to weld in lines. So after a few failed attempts, (4 to be exact), he finally instructed me while I was doing it. I was shaking so bad, lol. He makes me really nervous, but it got better once I had some comic relief and bumped heads with him. I made 4 good welding lines. It got a lot easier to do after I got it once, I still can't make them as wide as he'd like them, but I'm getting there. I've decided that I really like it in the sculpting department.

That's going to be my major, and I'll grab a drawing minor. I can't wait till next year. I get to sit in with cadavers and draw/dissect them. ^.^ I'm so excited about it. I can't wait.

But anyway, I welded stuff, sparks flew everywhere, it's so cool! ^.^ And the hum of the electricity is crazy. ^.^