Wednesday, February 28, 2007


So yeah, no apartment for me. I'm not willing to spend money that I don't need to. I'll suffer for the next 4 years and then move out. Hopefully he'll be dead by then.

Foundry work today, working with saws that cut through steal that send sparks shooting like fireworks that fizzle out in all directions. It was awesome, but so loud. I'm one of the very few girls in there, there are like 5 of us and then all the rest are men. It's kind of creepy. The joke is that All the sculptors have beards, even the women too.

Wagh, volunteer work study is paying off. lol I'm learning all the different tools and techniques. Hopefully I'll be able to stay on with them once I'm an MFA and do stuff for them.

I hate applications. I've decided that I'm just going to flounder about in my shitty ass job at the bakery. Spring break is this week, meaning tons of projects to do and then tons of work to do at the bakery.

I'm getting a laptop for my b-day, I'll need it for school at Penn and for sculpting/photo manips. lol I'm going to the darkside and getting a Mac. I should be shot.

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