Saturday, July 28, 2007


Was I not good enough for you in bed? Was I not entertaining? Were my breasts not big like Crystal's? Was I not psychotic enough like Kat? Did I not abuse you enough like the three of them? Was I not as manipulative as any of them? Was I not blue collar red neck white trashy enough for you? Was I not a big enough whore for you? Was I not stupid enough for you? Was I too innocent? Was I too insecure? Did I not cling to you tightly enough? Did I not offer myself and flaunt myself to you like your whores? I don't know, but right now I'm bitter and ugly.

But I think I knew all the while. All of your moodiness. You clinging too tightly. I knew in the end I think. That's why we never cut our ties. In the end, it never really mattered. I think I got the last laugh.
Scattered, explosions like fireworks;
Emotionless, embers burning to ashes.

Punctuations, missused and missplaced;
Used, emphasizing emotional mistakes.

This is living the duldrums.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Bleed for Me.

Burn like the sun, with pure intentions.
Blow like the wind, just a whisper.
Unseen, Unheard and Unknown.
Unearned, Unloved and Unlived.
Break through me, as if made of glass.
Undo me, See through me.