Monday, January 29, 2007



The past two weeks I have been doing super in school. Yes, I still cut out of art history, but besides that, I've been doing great with the in class work. However, today in Life painting, they introduced colors into our grizai. I almost cried. When anyone mentions the word "color" when we're painting the human figure, I freak. I can't do it. I understand color when I'm doing pastel or dry media, and I understand doing tones in raw umber, flake white, and ivory black, but I can't do it in color. I just freak out and became a bumbling idiot pushing paint on the canvas and hoping it's right.

It's so hard for me to do. I can do it in dry media, but I just can't do it in oil. It's so hard for me. I don't understand nor can I even comprehend why there is such a road block. I just can't do it. I'm a great draftsman, I'm great tonally, I'm a great scumbler. I just can't do oil color. I'm trying. I got so worked up about it, I just toned another piece of canvas and will try again on friday. I'm just so upset with myself. I don't know why I can't do this.

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